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Professor Gloria García-Fernández, from the University of Oviedo, gave a lecture today, in which she tried to answer a key question: What treatments work for eating disorders? Dr. García-Fernández has presented the effectiveness of the treatments available for the different eating disorders in the child and adolescent population, highlighting that the recovery rate is around 30 to 50% and that more research is therefore required on new treatment approaches and to better adjust the needs and profiles to the appropriate treatments. In this sense, at the beginning of her intervention she has noted that in this population there is still a need for more research on the effectiveness of treatments, while early detection and intervention are key in order to prevent medical, psychological and social complications. 


Prof. Eduardo Fonseca has made an excellent presentation on the effectiveness of psychological treatment of psychotic symptoms in adolescents. Although he has indicated that there is still a long way to go, he concludes that the existing scientific evidence suggests that psychological intervention is the treatment of choice for adolescents with psychotic symptoms, with cognitive-behavioral therapy, family intervention and integrated psychological therapy being the treatments with the highest level of evidence. On the other hand, he has highlighted the added value that psychological treatment can offer in this problem since it allows a set of very important facets or areas to be addressed, some of which are avoiding side effects and iatrogenic effects of medication, developing the therapeutic alliance, providing emotional and family support, improving cognitive, social, interpersonal, school and work functioning or preventing relapses.




Great moment of conversation with Professor Ashvalom Caspi, whose longitudinal studies on explanatory factors of mental problems are recognized worldwide. This live intervention from the Auditorium room has left no one indifferent. Dr. Caspi has highlighted that mental disorder affects almost everyone over time and that it usually appears in adolescence, and can persist decades later. For this reason, he has emphasized the importance of focusing efforts on prevention strategies in the early stages of life, given the small number of adults who will develop mental health problems for the first time in middle adulthood. For his part, Dr. Caspi has suggested that treatment can not only address the disorder but must also develop fundamental skills in people to help them maintain good long-term mental health.  

The contents of this second day of the congress, including this meeting with the expert, can be viewed in the “On Demand” section of the virtual platform of the congress.  

omorrow we expect many more interesting contents, such as the conference of Peter Muris (Maastricht University, Netherlands) or the meeting with the expert in ADHD Professor Russell Barkley from Virginia University, among many others. 

Not to be missed!


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