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In the field of child psychology, there are many relevant issues or topics yet to be resolved. For this purpose, the program of the 7th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology in Children and Adolescents (AITANA2021) includes, among its different activities, a space called "Open Questions". This will bring together experts from different areas who will try to shed light on issues that still need to be addressed in greater depth.
AITANA2021 attendees will have the opportunity to listen first-hand to the following experts' answers to questions, such as:
Incorporating digital content into drug and violence prevention programming delivered in schools.
Kenneth Griffin. George Mason University. USA
Early identification of School Refusal, is it possible?
Jo Magne Ingul. Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Norway
Why should we prevent emotional disorders in children and adolescents?
Simon Peter Neumer. The Arctic University of Norway. Norway
Looking forward to seeing you in November!
More information about the conference program
The congress program offers, in addition to other formats such as lectures, open questions or applied sessions, a wide variety of symposia by national and international experts. The aim of these symposia is to present recent research findings and to advance knowledge about different problems in children and adolescents. In AITANA2021, more than 25 symposia of high scientific and professional interest will be held; some of them will be:
The COVID-19 psychological impact in children. Evidence across different settings.
Elisa Delvecchio. University of Perugia. Italy
ProChild Collaborative Laboratory: Innovative models for child protection, mental health, early education, and social participation.
Isabel Maria Costa Soares. University of Minho. Portugal
The “other” in the helping relationship: Examining child welfare professionals’ wellbeing, moral and relational needs in an era of trauma-informed care.
Denise Brend. Université Laval. Canada
Being there, even in pandemic times: Online psychological interventions.
Margarida Rangel Henriques. Universidad of Porto. Portugal
The psychological impact of COVID-19 pandemic on Italian and Spanish families of children with typical and atypical neurodevelopment: moving from research to practice.
Michele Giannotti. Universidad of Trento. Italy
Attachment in middle childhood and adolescence: Developmental processes and treatment opportunities.
Guy Bosmans. KU Leuven. Belgium
Interventions fostering Positive Youth Development: Achieving potentialities and strengths in either normative or adverse daily contexts.
Teresa Freire. Universidad of Minho. Portugal
More information about the program
Registration to the congress
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