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The 7th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology in Children and Adolescents will be held online from November 18-20, 2021, and will bring us high-quality conferences, already confirmed!

Some of the topics that will be addressed by the international experts who will participate in the congress are:

Transdiagnostic treatments for emotional disorders: One pathway for getting “what works” to more children and families (Jill Ehrenreich. University of Miami, USA).

Mental health promotion and protection: Why we need more attention to the early lifespan (Corey Keyes. Emory University, USA).

Recent advances in personality disorder research: Dimensions and development (Carla Sharp. University of Houston, USA).

Advances in childhood OCD: What works, why it works, and next steps (Eric Storch. Baylor College of Medicine, USA).

COVID-19 and adolescent mental health (Jian-Bin Li. University of Hong Kong, China).
In addition to the lectures, the AITANA2021 program contains other interesting formats, such as Applied Sessions, Open Questions, and the presentation of papers in oral or poster format.
Don't miss this event!
More information about the conference program
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AITANA2021 informs about other events that may be of great scientific interest. One of them is the XVIII SEPCyS ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM, whose slogan is "Clinical and Health Psychology in the 21st Century: advocating Prevention, Innovation and Excellence in Psychology", organized by the Spanish Society for the Advancement of Clinical and Health Psychology 21st Century. This event will be held on October 22-23, 2021, both in presential format (Salamanca, Spain) and online.
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