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Susan Bögels, Professor of Family Mental Health and Mindfulness at the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), will be one of the keynote speakers at ICCPCA 2020. Dr. Bögels is a specialist in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness for children and families, and the intergenerational transmission of internalized psychopathology and Mindfulness in children and parents are her main lines of research. Among her diverse merits, her numerous scientific publications in international journals are worth mentioning, and she is the Associate Editor of the journal Mindfulness (Springer) and member of the DSM-5 (APA) working group on anxiety disorders. She is also the founder of the UvA minds center for the treatment of children and their parents.


At the ICCPCA 2020, Professor Bögels will give a lecture entitled "Bringing Mindfulness to Families: A Developmental and Relational Perspective". She will address Mindfulness from a family perspective, presenting scientific evidence that shows how its application in children, mothers and fathers can influence different forms of psychopathology and the well-being of the whole family. She will also present trials conducted in families with children with ADHD, autism spectrum disorders and behavioral disorders.


One more year, the ICCPCA aims to be a unique space for the progress of child and adolescent psychology, with a program full of activities.

You can't miss it!


Please note the following dates if you would like to participate in the ICCPCA:

May 28
Deadline for abstract submissions
June 11
​Abstract acceptance response
July 20
Early-bird registration deadline
Technical Secretary: ceventsemail | telefono +34 960 91 45 45
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