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We are pleased to inform you that the 6th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology in Children and Adolescents will hold its annual meeting in 2020. The organizing committee has considered that, due to the health situation and the uncertainty about the situation in autumn, it is best to reduce travel and gatherings. Although we will miss the social contact, the online modality of the congress will allow us to stay updated in psychopathology, evaluation, and child psychological treatment and to keep us connected at a distance.


In order to facilitate your participation, the deadlines for sending papers and for registration with reduced fees have been extended: 

of papers
july 31
​Response on acceptance of papers
september 5
End of early
fee period
september 15

Furthermore, as an additional measure, participation fees have been reduced:

  Early registration
(Until 15/09/2020)
Late registration
(After 15/09/2020)
Regular  220 € 270 €
Collaborating entities member  190 €  230 €
PhD students and residents  120 €  160 €
Students / Unemployed Prof. / NGO's  75 €  120 €

Don't miss the opportunity to participate in this special 2020 edition!
Technical Secretary: ceventsemail | telefono +34 960 91 45 45
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