The 7th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology in Children and Adolescents— undoubtedly one of the most consolidated events in this field at the international level— will take place from November 18th to 20th. This edition will continue in an online format, which provided an excellent experience in the previous edition, maintaining intact the quality of the congress and a wide variety of high-level content in its program. At the same time, this modality offers various advantages, among them, we highlight the possibility to watch all the desired contents, accessing from the repository of the platform and at the time of day you choose.
This conference offers you a forum to meet professionals and researchers from a great diversity of countries around the world, and to share knowledge with them that will allow you to continue advancing in the improvement of child and adolescent psychology.
There are only a few days left for the congress to begin and, therefore, if you have not yet registered, you can still formalize your registration!
Please check available rates and discounts and proceed to formalize your registration HERE
See you soon!
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